Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Project 358: Day 73

You may or may not have noticed that the sequence of photos for my Project 358 skipped right over Day 73 (come on, Erin, I thought you were my informal blog editor!). Well, this is because I was having some issues with my DSLR and its memory card and rather than read the manual to figure out how to resolve the issue myself, I decided to wait for my IT guy to return from the firehouse. What? The sun was out yesterday, I couldn't be bothered. Yesterday's photo was taken with my little point and shoot. And this is the photo from the day prior:

Day 73: After-Bath Coloring Session at Grama & Grampa's House


  1. Ev looks like a little surfer with his beach-y blond hair slightly damp! This reminds kids need a bath! ;)

  2. What sweet cheeks he has. Makes me happy just looking at him. :)

  3. Ah, man, I'm slackin! :-) Wonderful pic of the Evster!
