Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little Sprouts (Project 358: Day 63)

My grandmother-in-law recently purchased these adorable little flower growing kits (a dollar each at Target!) and gave them to the kids during her last visit. A few days later, we decided it was time to plant. Evan was actually far more excited about this than the photo lets on.

The kits come with everything you need to grow, including little pots (shaped like cracked-open Easter eggs), soil pellets (just add water!), and seeds (with plenty of extras to sow directly in your garden, if it so pleases you). G-G-Ma (the kids' nickname for their great-grandmother) gave us supplies to grow sunflowers, zinnias, and daisies.

After adding water to the soil pellets, fluffing the expanded soil with a fork, and gently pressing ten seeds into each pot, we set them on the windowsill to absorb some much-needed sunlight. We decided to add tiny toothpick flags to help us remember which plant was which. And now we wait.

Day 63: Practicing Preschooler Patience

Each morning when we wake, checking on our seedlings is one of the first things we do. I have to admit, I'm nearly as giddy with anticipation as the children.

4 days later...Zinnia is in the lead, with Sunflower not far behind. Daisy's got some catching up to do.


  1. Wonderful shots, Ali! These adorable little seedling pots immediatly drew my attentiom when I walked into your dining room the other day. What a fun project for the kids, G-Gma! :) I also love your handmade name-tags, Ali. Super cute.

  2. How fun! Such a great springtime activity for the kids.
