Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Project 358: Days 54 - 58

Day 54: Baby Sister's All Growed Up

Day 55: Evan Art (Mos Eisley Cantina)

Day 56: Playdate Snack Time

Day 57: Rancor Needed a Nap

Day 58: Tough Girl


  1. What is Mos Eisley Cantina?

    I love Maggie's invitations!

  2. The Cantina scene from Star Wars: A New Hope. One Evan's favorite things to draw...over and over and over... :)

  3. Ah! Neat.

    Hey, not to be your blog editor, but I noticed that your last photo was titled Day 58, but the blog post title is thru Day 57...just didn't what your sequence to get messed up. ;-)

  4. Ah! Thank you for noticing!
    Please, do be my informal blog editor, I insist! :)

  5. I love that scene that Ev draws...always so colorful and true to the scene. So many unique characters in each of them. It's pretty cool. His attention to detail really shows.

    I saw that photo last night of Rancor in El's bed and I wanted to crawl right into it with him (imagine that!) Her bed has always looked so cozzzyyy.

  6. Beautiful invitations. Maggie's full name is so pretty.

    The snacks look great, and so creatively displayed.

    Evan's a great artist, and Elinor's expression is adorable.
