Monday, July 25, 2011

Project 358: Days 196 - 198

Day 196: Mr. Catalog Head, by Evan

Day 197: Inner Workings of the Parsons Family GOPP (Grand Old Player Piano)

Day 198: Tossin' Rocks in the American River


  1. Does Nori have a sharks tooth around her neck?

    Love Mr. Catalogue head!

  2. E, I was putting on a necklace the morning I took this picture. Elinor saw me and said, "I wanna wear a necklace TOO, Mama." So I picked one out that wasn't super special to me (a cheap silver chain with a sparrow charm from Target) and put it around her neck. Girl LOVED it. Wore it all day. :)

    She kinda' reminds me of an Italian man in this pic, though, all shirtless and necklaced. ;-)

  3. Just seems like Elinor is half naked in a descent amount of pictures; does she want to be like her big brother, by chance? Cuz I totally was the same way. :-)

  4. Oh, yes. She wants to be JUST like big brudder. :)

  5. I love Mr. Catalog Head! :) So creative of Evan.

    Ali, you made me laugh at the Italian man comment. I wish we had a river in Livermore. Sigh...
