Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Climbing the Walls (Project 358: Day 53)

Day 53: Do You Trust Me?

Last week, Stephen and I went rock climbing together for the first time, using a Groupon we purchased last year for a free lesson and gear rental at Pipeworks climbing gym. Stephen had climbed several times before (years ago), so for him the class was more of a refresher course. For me, it was all completely new. As our instructor guided us through the many steps required just to get ready to climb, I started to think, "Okay, I can totally follow what you're doing at the moment, but how the hell am I going to remember these steps later?" I was totally nervous and felt like a big stupid wanna-be-cool-climbing-chick poseur dork. Well, it turns out that once you complete the whole set-up process two or three times, it becomes second nature. Phew!

Finally, the class was over and our instructor left us to our own devices. This is when we really started to have a good time. You guys, rock climbing is totally fun! I love everything about it: the physical aspect of using my arms and legs in ways I normally don't, the mental aspect of figuring out where to step or grab next, the amazingly lean, beautifully toned bodies of the people surrounding us -- er, I mean, the closeness I felt sharing the experience with Stephen. (No, but seriously, rock climbers in general seem to be in amazing shape. They have the kind of muscles you can't get from lifting weights, that you can only get from doing something. Think construction worker muscles. Farmer muscles. You catch my drift? Beauteous.)

I definitely see rock climbing as something I'd like to do more of in the future. Unfortunately, though, it's a pretty expensive hobby ($18 for a day pass at Pipeworks, plus 6 bucks for the gear -- times two!). A membership at the gym makes sense economically if you climb often, but considering that it's a two-person sport, I just don't see Stephen and I being able to swing a sitter often enough to make it worth it. So, for now, it will have to be an occasional thing and in the future, when the kids are in school, we just may get that membership...I do so want to be a cool climbing chick.

big stupid wanna-be-cool-climbing-chick poseur dork


  1. Well you do look super cute in your climbing outfit...but then, OF COURSE YOU DO! ;-)

  2. Your arm muscles look great, you are a natural! You are a cool-rock-climbing-chick to me! I love your new hobby together. It's about the same cost or less than a date night. I think it's hot! Go Silacks!

  3. I agree with Mel. Looks like a lot of fun and you look pretty cute up there, BA!!

  4. You ladies are sweet. Seriously, though, I did feel like a big ol' dork until we were free to go off on our own. Our instructor was so SERIOUS about it, it made me nervous. ;)
