Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Project 358: Days 188 - 194

Day 188: Fire In The Sky

Day 189: Lunch.

Tempeh bacon, golden heirloom tomato, avocado, baby spinach, sunflower sprouts, mustard, and Vegenaise on whole wheat bread. On the side: arugula, golden heirloom tomato, avocado, and sunflower seeds tossed in balsamic vinaigrette. Yum.

Day 190: Uncertain

Day 191: Breakfast.

A big ol' hearty breakfast hash made from red onion, green bell pepper, red potatoes, and crumbled Organic "Hemp-fest" Breakfast Patties. Topped with tomato, avocado, and a dash o' Chalula hot sauce. This was so freakin' yummy, but the photo does not do it justice. In hindsight, I realize I shoulda' thrown a piece of toast in the mix, if only for compositional purposes. Oh, well. C'est la vie!

Day 192: Dinner.

Peanut Stew:

  1. Chop half an onion and cook in pot.
  2. Add a can of stewed tomatoes, a half cup of crunchy peanut butter, and a half can of garbanzo beans.
  3. Chop a potato and add to pot with a sprinkling of thyme.
  4. Cover pot and cook on low heat for 20 min.
  5. Serve on rice.
  6. Munch.
I snagged this recipe from The Vegan Stoner, a charming and aesthetically pleasing blog dedicated to food that is "cheap, fast, and vegan." I've been following the blog for a while now, but this is the first recipe that I felt compelled to try (they had me at "crunchy peanut butter"). I did have to cook it for almost twice as long as directed to get the potatoes soft, and we did end up adding salt, black pepper, and cayenne because it needed a little kick, but overall, this recipe is bomb. I will be making it again in the future fo' sho'.

Day 193: Have Wheels, Will Travel

Elinor's legs are now long enough to pedal the tricycle! Evan, nine whole months after receiving a bicycle for his birthday, finally decided to try riding the thing!! Dreams of family bike rides are dancing in my head!!! I LOVE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!

I am a happy mama.

Day 194: So Close, Yet So Far Away

My childhood pool, closed for the summer due to budget cuts. Sigh. This kinda' broke my heart a little, truth be told.


  1. These were so fun! I want that sandwich!

    How did Evan enjoy the skating party? Did he give it a whirl?

    That last photo makes me a little sad, poor guy. What a disappointment. :-(

  2. How dare they close Oki Pool?!! We spent so many wonderful summers there. I know you already told me about the pool closure, but your photo makes me mad!

    Put long hair on Ev and short hair on you, and that shot of them on their vehicles could be Jess and you, back in the day, on the same street! :-)

    Like the fire in the sky.

    Good work, Ali!

  3. The photos of Evan in this post are magical. Really, truly LOVE them. Curious as to how the birthday party was!!

  4. Great photos! I love fire in the hole. Did you photoshop, or are those natural colors? I notice you have been working on your photos digitally and I love what you're doing!

    Everything you cook looks like it could be from Gratitude Cafe!

  5. Mel, no, the colors in "Fire in the Sky" are not natural. I used a fun little picnik effect called Heat Map 2.0 - Thermal. Yes, I have been editing digitally a LOT more these days (inspired by Keri!). There is so much you can do! I've been having fun with it. :)

    E & K - the party went so-so. As expected, Evan was suuuuper cautious, even on a three-wheeled scooter! Meanwhile, his friends were all over the place, going crazy on boards and scooters. He got kinda' grumpy. It wasn't the best experience. :-( But, Ker, Kaleb was sooo cute! He even chose to forgo opening gifts until he got home because he wanted to maximize his skating time! And Tara was super sweet. I felt kinda' bad that my kid was being an a-hole.
