Sunday, July 17, 2011

Product Preference (Project 358: Day 187)

The summer before my sophomore year of high school, my skin broke out pretty severely and since then, acne is something that I've just always had to deal with. Even today, at age 33, which anyone who has struggled with adult acne can attest, is just plain unfair. Over the years, I've tried all sorts of things to clear my skin, from over-the-counter remedies such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, to prescription products like tetracycline and Retin-A, just to name a few. Many things improved my skin, but the improvement never seemed to last. My skin became particularly difficult to deal with during the hormonal surges that accompany pregnancy, child-birth, and breast feeding. I began to feel like my skin would never be clear, a thought that was increasingly stressful the older I became.

During the past year, my skin troubles took on a new form as I began getting ugly red pimples along my jawline. According to my online research, this acne is typically hormonal (Yay, hormones! Aren't they just the BEST?!) and fairly common among women in their thirties. Once again, I began my quest to find the perfect skincare routine, with the additional goal of using natural products as much as possible. The products pictured below are what I've come up with. I've been following this routine (roughly described below) for several months now and am very happy with the results. My skin is not perfect, but I've given up on expecting it to be. And, you know, that mind-shift alone probably does more for my skin than any product. Still, I'm not giving these up anytime soon:

Day 187: Product Preference

The products (starting from left to right and finishing with the tube lying horizontal up front):

  • Yes To Cucumbers Soothing Daily Gentle Cleanser, $9.99 for a 3.38 oz tube. Most days of the week, I end up wearing at least a little bit of makeup, so at night, I need a cleanser that's going to wash that makeup off (including eye makeup like mascara, because I refuse to add another step to my routine). This one does the trick, while still being gentle enough that it doesn't irritate my somewhat sensitive skin. It's hypoallergenic, paraben- and petroleum-free, and made from 96% natural ingredients. Additionally, all Yes To products are cruelty-free and at least 5% of their annual profits are donated towards the Yes To Carrots Seed Fund, a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization "on a mission to make a difference in people's lives by providing under-served communities with the resources to develop and sustain an organic food source and access to healthy nutrition." Nice!
  • St. Ives Timeless Skin Daily Microdermabrasion, approximately $5.00 for a 4 oz tube. You guys, this is HANDS DOWN THE BEST facial exfoliator I have EVER tried. And, believe me, I've tried a lot of 'em. It's so great because it's incredibly effective, leaving your skin soft and smooth and lovely, and yet it's gentle enough to use every day. No, really. Every day. Even on sensitive skin. Plus, a little goes a long way, allowing a 4 oz tube to last you for months. I'm a little scared it may be discontinued though, because I've had trouble finding it in stores and it is no longer listed on the St. Ives website. However, there are several online vendors still selling it, so I went ahead and bought a four-pack off Amazon yesterday for $19.99. (Why am I telling you my secrets?! I must hoard this stuff for myself!) Anyway ladies, if you're in your thirties, as I am, there are simply no more excuses not to exfoliate! Let's face it, our cells simply aren't turning at the rate they did in our youth, so get to scrubbin'! I use this stuff every morning in the shower, a great way to start the day.
  • Desert Essence Organic Jojoba Oil, $14.99 for a 4 oz bottle. When it comes to natural skin care for acne prone skin, jojoba oil is lauded as a near necessity. I admit, as someone with oily skin, at first the idea of rubbing oil into my face totally freaked me out, but now I can't imagine living without the stuff. Jojoba oil is a botanical extract of the seed of the jojoba tree (Simmondsia chinensis) and is actually not an oil at all, but a wax ester. Out of all the compounds in nature, this wax ester is the most similar to human skin oil (sebum). By applying jojoba oil to your skin, you effectively "trick" your skin into thinking it is producing enough oil, thus balancing oil production. That's the theory anyway. And I, for one, am buying it. I use it as a moisturizer every morning and every night. It leaves my skin soft, smooth, and best of all, way less shiny and oily. It's a miracle product! One thing to keep in mind: while conventional moisturizers hydrate your skin by attracting moisture to it, oils do not. They simply create a barrier on the skin to retain the moisture that is already there. Which means that applying oil to dry skin will reap no benefits. Just make sure that your skin is still damp when you apply the oil. And a little goes a long way!
  • Aloe Life Skin Gel Ultimate Skin Treatment, $14.29 for an 8 oz bottle. According to the Aloe Life website, the benefits of using aloe skin gel are nearly endless. They claim it provides "the ultimate soothing relief for all skin conditions: all burns including sun burns, non poisonous insect bites, abrasions, cuts, rashes including diaper rash, muscle strain, hemorrhoids, acne, athletes foot, stretch marks, cold sores, gum disorders, vaginal dryness, post surgical, damaged & thinning hair, skin renewal, brown spots and other skin ailments." I use it because I find it complements the jojoba oil well. Combined, they are my dream come true facial moisturizer. I apply a little bit to my skin immediately after the jojoba oil, but if I wanted to eliminate a step, I could mix the two together in a separate bottle as my sister does. Adding a few drops of lavender or tee tree essential oil would add an antibacterial benefit to the mix. I prefer the Aloe Life brand to the ones I've found in stores because a) it is 99% certified organic, b) it is made using the entire plant, including the therapeutic yellow sap traditionally used for healing, and c) the ingredients list doesn't include a bunch of weird chemicals, colors, and fragrances. Yes, it is more expensive but in my opinion, worth it.
  • SkinCeuticals Sheer Physical UV Defense SPF 50, $30.00 for a 1.7 fl. oz. bottle. Several months back, a friend of mine spoke so highly of this sunscreen I decided I had to try it out for myself. Once I got over the hefty price tag, I fell in love with it. It's so great because it's made from non-chemical sunscreens (titanium dioxide and zinc oxide) but is so light and sheer, it doesn't give you the ghostly glow typical of other physical sunblocks*. I also like the fact that it is just sunscreen and doesn't include moisturizer. I use it on my face and neck daily, applying it after giving my jojoba/aloe combo ample time for absorption. As for the hefty price tag, when you consider how little of the stuff you have to use, it's really not that bad. The bottle will last long enough to make it $30 very well spent.
  • Yes To Cucumbers Soothing Eye Gel, $14.99 for 1.01 fl. oz. I pat this gel, made from cucumbers, green tea, and chamomile, under and around my eyes every morning and every night. It feels cool and refreshing and visibly reduces puffiness upon application. I've read several reviews from people who claim it irritated their skin and made their under-eye makeup flaky, but I have experienced neither of those things. It's also a total bargain, costing less for a full ounce than most eye creams cost for half that.
  • Lerosett Spot Treatment and Facial Mask for Problem Skin, $34.00 for a 2.5 oz. tube. I was turned on to this miracle product by my bikini waxer a few months back. No, I don't use it down there. In addition to waxing nether regions, she is an expert in natural skin care and provides facials as one of her many services. During a recent appointment, I lamentingly described to her my jawline acne and she suggested I try Lerosett. Out of all the products I use, this one plays the biggest role in easing my acne woes. It is AMAZING (and better be for that price!). It's ingredients are rasul clay, distilled water, and pure, unadulterated magic. I apply it to my entire face and upper neck at night after cleansing, then let it dry for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Follow it up with jojoba and aloe and I'm not kidding guys, I kinda' glow a little bit. AND, it totally cleared up my jawline acne, save the occasional spot. Currently, I alternate between Lerosett and Retin-A, using the former one night and the latter the next, but I am seriously considering weaning myself off Retin-A and just using Lerosett. It can also be used as a spot treatment while you sleep.
The above lineup of miracle workers has allowed me to FINALLY feel comfortable with my skin. There's just one thing I have left to complain about: the age spots that have decided to take up residence on my forehead and cheeks of late, an unfortunate result of all the stupid tanning I did in my mid-twenties. Oh, short-sighted 25-year-old Me, I wish I could just smack you! Anyone out there have a recommendation for a product that can get rid of those? I don't think my skin care routine has enough steps.

*Okay, okay, this isn't entirely true. The sunscreen DOES lighten your complexion a bit; I think it's pretty much impossible to avoid this when using physical sunblocks. However, the effect is minimal and can easily be remedied with a touch of bronzer.


  1. Dang, this post is making me feel super embarrassed about my hot-wet-washcloth nighttime routine.

    I'm bummed to hear that the St. Ives product may be going bye bye. Seems like a good one for me to use in the shower, to replace the Oil of Olay cleanser I currently use. My face needs an exfoliation intervention!

  2. Oh no! My intent was not to embarrass anyone about their skin care routine! Your skin is beautiful, so you must be doing something right! Sometimes, simplicity is best. Unfortunately, my skin needs a little more help. Trust me, I've tried it all, including simplicity. ;-)

  3. Ali, oh my god. It didn't REALLY embarrass me in a bad way, just made me think (again) how I need to take better care of my skin in my old age. ;-) Believe me, this is a good thing.

    I really enjoyed this post. Like reading the beauty section of a magazine. And I'm serious about the St Ives. I'll be looking out for it.

  4. Also: "Your skin is beautiful"

    You are a good friend. Love you.

  5. Lol. My washcloth and Dove soap routine falls a little short and all of a sudden I want to buy all these things and hurry and turn over my skin cells real quick-like too!

    Damn, I'm jealous you have your skin care routine so down pat. Since being a teenager (whenever proactive use is not mandatory - good for acne, bad for bedsheets, clothes, and towels), I've used Dove Original and a good scrubbin' followed by whatever moisturizer that I've found that hasn't been discontinued. It's such work finding just the right process! I've been definitely wanting/needing to step up the skin care since being 30ish, but I'm so sensitive, it's like throwing money out the window to try new things. I so want to buy your exfoliant, but now scared I'll get hooked and then be lost without it. That happened with this Neutrogena antioxidant exfoliant I used for about a year before they discontinued, it was gentle for my skin for everyday and then BAM it's discontinued (and the bummer is that I totally GLOWED when I used it). I'm going to keep an eye out for your brand at the stores, and I think I can also use that eye cream that visibly reduced circles and puffiness. I even think the oil might work for my combination dry/irritated yet total oilfest of a face.

    Thanks for doing all the research for us. I'm super impressed and kind of want to come over and use everything and test it out. Can I?

    As for age spots, bleh. I got those too. I actually bought the skin bleach (Michael Jackson style) for 60 bucks from my dermatologist - Neutroderm brand. but have not been consistent enough to see a difference. Should have taken a before and after and used the entire tube. They told me to use that and then the skinceuticals sunscreen we have and the spots should stay away. I bought the bleach for my mom too, and she has been consistent and I can see a difference in her spots (not gone yet, but lighter!) Also Clinique just came out with a spot treatment for age spots.

    Fun product talk, thanks Ali!

  6. Erin...exfoliation intervention! :) Me too! But hey - you do that microdermabrasion stuff once a week right? That looked like it worked great!

  7. Mel, I do it like once a month now because I always forget I have it (stashed under a mound of crap under my sink). It would be nice to have freshly sloughed skin every day!

  8. Mel, just as I said to Erin, you too have beautiful skin, so you must be doing something right! I WISH I could just scrub my face with Dove and a washcloth, but with my horribly temperamental skin, it's just not happenin'.

    So what's with these skincare companies discontinuing their best products? So irritating! St. Ives has a new Timeless Skin exfoliator, but it's an apricot scrub containing Alpha Hydroxy and is only recommended for use 3-4 times per week. I haven't tried it, but it gets good reviews. For the one I use, I'm pretty sure the only place to get is from online vendors like Amazon...until it all runs out. boo hoo. :-(

    Mel, my only concern for you with the eye gel is all the reviews I read about it irritating people's skin. It doesn't irritate mine, but I know that yours is super sensitive. Oh, and I don't know if it helps with dark circles. That's ONE thing, remarkably, that I don't have an issue with. But it definitely reduces puffiness.

    Come on ova' any time, lady! :)

  9. Erin, is that the Neutrogena microdermabrasion thingy? I used to use that back when I lived on 28th Street. Loved it, it worked great! Now I like something I can use everyday, though, because I'm forgetful.

  10. Exactly Alison...that's my problem too! Yeah, I think it's like the Neutrogena Wave or something?

  11. Um, I sorta don't understand any of this cool, take-care-of-your-skin terminology. I wash my face with Dove and that's EVEN after buying a whole line of Target brand skin care products. Thank you for writing this because it's becoming increasingly clear to me that my skin is effed and well I just need someone to come over and apply the lotions and magic creams to my skin at night. Anyone game?
