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Day 146: Anything Is Possible. Right? |
I purchased the book pictured above, How To Write And Illustrate Children's Books And Get Them Published, many years ago, probably about a decade. I glanced through it at the time, did a little dreaming, but never acted upon those dreams. Since then, it has sat on a shelf, collecting dust and occasionally catching my eye, reigniting the old flame.
A couple friends commented on a recent post of mine, saying that it reminded them of a storybook. To me, there could be no greater compliment; instantly, the old flame was reignited! I went to bed that night with a mash-up of ideas swirling in my head. A couple hours into sleep, I awoke suddenly with a very clear story line, a main character, everything, it was all there, in my head! I had no idea if it was any good, but it was vivid, and the vividness excited me.
The next day, I got out "the book". I flipped through the pages and was overwhelmed with one single thought: I don't want my dreams to collect dust anymore. I want to DO, not dream! I want to show my kids, through my actions, that anything is possible.
Throughout my teens and early 20's, I lived in fear, totally incapable of expressing myself fully. As a teenager, I hid behind outlandish clothing and dyed hair; in my 20's, sadly, alcohol and drugs are what I chose to hide behind. I got married, I had children, and I felt like I was whole again: THIS is what I always wanted to do! And, to a point, it is. I love being a mom. It fulfills me and changes me and makes me grow in ways that I can't even begin to explain, and yet... And yet. IT (meaning, motherhood) has now become the "thing I hide behind." It is so easy to say, "...when the kids are older,"..."when the kids are in school,"..."WHEN I have more time." But, honestly, WHEN will I have more time? TIME is not the issue, priorities are.
So. Have ya'll heard about "The Secret"? Okay, wait! Before you roll your eyes and click "unfollow", hear me out. So, The Secret is a DVD (and book) that came out in, I don't know, 2006? The author was featured on Oprah, among a panel of others (apparently in on said secret) and the show created quite a stir among viewers. Eventually, I bought the book because, I don't know, I'm into that sort of thing.
I have mixed feelings about the book (it seems overly obsessed with the acquisition of material possessions and also sort of insinuates that if "the secret" isn't working for you, you're not doing it right), but the overall concept is definitely one I can get down with. It's based on the Law of Attraction, which simply states that "like attracts like", that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively. For instance, according to the Law of Attraction, the phrase "I need more money" allows the subject to continue to "need more money". If the subject wants to change this, they would focus their thoughts on the goal (having more money) rather than the problem (needing more money). This might take the form of phrases such as, "I have as much money as I need" or, "I have a job that pays very well". This is not a new concept. The author of The Secret simply took a very old concept and repackaged it, for a new audience. And bravo to her! That right there is The Secret in action!
So how does all of this relate to me?
I am going to change the dialogue in my head. I am going to realize my dreams. I am going to write a children's book, gosh darnit! I am going to sit down and write. I am going to sit down and draw. I am going to sit down and figure it the fuck* out. And I am going to believe. That anything is possible. Because it is. Right?
* I promise not to include curse words in my children's stories, despite my obvious penchant for doing so on my blog.
* I promise not to include curse words in my children's stories, despite my obvious penchant for doing so on my blog.
The photo above is simply lovely. The dream-like glow is perfect as it captures the essence of what the book's title is calling out to you..."make this DREAM a reality."
ReplyDeleteI, for one, will be at the very front of the line at your book signing. Oh yes I will! (I guess I should have my kids tag along, too!)
Can't wait to see what you create, Ali. This is SO exciting. I see how much talent you have and I'm glad that you're putting your efforts toward the betterment of our children, showing them that anything is possible.
cool, go for it...
ReplyDeleteDreams are actions realized Alison. Move forward with it and enjoy the journey. Jean
ReplyDeleteGirl, you've totally got this. :-)
ReplyDeleteYou have the passion, talent and a big ol' fan club already.
Get your write on.
OMG, I just spent 20 minutes composing a comment for this blog, then hit the "wrong" key (not sure what that was!), and LOST it all!!! Argghhh!
ReplyDeleteI will just have to tell you in person I guess! Until then, suffice it to say,
"Proud mama over here!"
Ali, I am so eager to see what you create. I think it's so self aware the way that you are able to realize what has stopped you in the past and what you have been hiding behind. I think all of these different phases make you the perfectly awesome person you are today that brought you here to THIS realization in this moment. I love children's books so much. I don't like to write, but i LOVE to read, all because of children's books. I believe you will be a huge success, I cannot wait to read your work!
ReplyDeleteYou guys, thank you SO much for all of your encouraging words. They truly warm my heart and just may be the extra push I need to actually make this happen. I am so lucky to know (and love) each and every one of you.
ReplyDeleteJust a side comment, I think it is so interesting that you and Keri both say that you don't like to write when you are both so good at it!