Sunday, June 26, 2011

Project 358: Days 166 - 167

Last week, I took a beginning photography "class" with a friend of mine. I put the word "class" in quotation marks because it lasted a measly two and a half hours and consisted of a wee bit of instruction followed by a walk around Old Sac taking photos (by the way, for THIS photographer, Old Sac is completely uninspiring). I'm not putting down the instructors. They were great, super friendly, not at all intimidating and seemed to really know their stuff. It's just that I am now keenly aware of how complicated this whole photography thing is, and hello! Two and a half hours is not NEARLY enough time to master that.

Since the class, I have practiced a bit at home, with frustrating results. I'm still trying to figure out the whole aperture/shutter speed balance, but I figure that with a little (or a lot) of practice and a few Q&A sessions with my father (the PROFESSIONAL photographer, ooh la la), I will eventually figure things out. Below is a photo taken in "M" mode. It is out of focus. And that bugs me.

I will figure it out. Right, Dad??

Day 166: Dia De Los Muertos

Also, you'd think I'd learn my lesson with this girl, leaving her alone with the paint. Alas, how can I stop her? And why would I? I fully support self-expression through the arts. Who am I to criticize a girl whose medium of choice is not paper, but her own flesh? I cannot judge. 

Plus, it FORCES me to scrub down the bathtub. And this is a good thing. Because I'm lazy.

Day 167: Couch Snuggles

Let me never take for granted these times when you are still so small and still so eager to be held in my arms. I love you so, my Elinor Rose.


  1. Grrrrr....Warrior Nor Nor!

    That photo of you and Eli's soft and tender. Pure sweetness.

  2. I get such a kick out of much personality. I wonder if she likes the feel of the paint on her skin.

    Also, I so totally take for granted when Harlie wants to be held more often than not, and you are right in that this time is seriously fleeting.

    I have a 15 year old that purposefully slept in (12:30pm) until it was time to go to his mom's so that Scott wouldn't see him and have him finish his outside chores. Such a difference when they start avoiding your presence altogether.

  3. Great pics of your daughter Ali! She's one of a kind.

    Erin - Austin = Hilarious.

  4. Erin, your comment about Austin totally made me laugh, although I'm sure Scott wasn't very amused. ;-) How interesting for you to be experiencing such parenting polar opposites (clingy toddler vs standoffish teenager) all at once!
