Monday, February 28, 2011

Project 358: Days 48 - 51

Day 48: Aerospace Museum

Day 49: Rainy Day Craft

Day 50: Clouds Are Cool

Day 51: Sweets For My Sweet


  1. At first I thought the picture of Ev and Maz was taken from the Waste Managament Facility the way Evan is covering his nose...too cute!

    Adorable craft, Ali!!

    Too funny! I heard you mention mint chocolate chip to Ev yesterday as you both werre walking back from school. I was walking the kids home on Kiefer and stopped in at Thrifty to buy them each a cone. You must have been headed to BR before/after school. My photo for yesterday is of the kids eating ice cream, too.

  2. Actually, the ice cream photo is from Sunday. When I mentioned mint chip ice cream to Evan yesterday, I was talking about a new flavor of gum I got at the grocery store. :)

    Did you see Mazzy's star magnet? I made them with the kids at preschool last Wednesday. Of course, you left for your trip that day, so I suppose something could have happened to it while you were away. Anyway, I had leftovers, so the kids and I made more on Friday when Evan stayed home from school.

  3. Ali, saw your craft pic and thought, hey I saw one of those on Keri's fridge! Totally cute idea.

    Mmmm, ice cream. :-) What's her favorite flavor?

  4. I don't think she's had ice cream enough to have a favorite flavor. Her choice this time was based solely on color, I think. She picked a really bright, multi-colored flavor that I can't remember the name of. Then, she and her brother traded and she ended up with the one pictured, coconut-plum yogurt. :)

  5. I did see Mazzy's magnet! I love the arms and legs. Too cute!

    Thanks for the ice cream innuendo(?). :)
