Sunday, February 6, 2011

Project 358: Days 25 - 29

Day 25: Pathways

Day 26: Caged

Day 27: Berkeley

Day 28: Library Loot

Day 29: Oranges, Anyone?


  1. Um, yes, please!

    So many library books. How fun for the kiddos! Did they just peruse the shelves or did they go in knowing what books they wanted to look for? Mazy's first visit will be on the 18th with school and Erin got a sitter so I can go!!!! Happy mama!

  2. I don't recognize the gray carpet. Oranges you brought to Sebastapool or your mom's or Jessica's or...?

  3. Oh, that's wonderful that you get to go! Mostly we just peruse the shelves, but on this last trip we did check the computers for a couple of specific subjects for Evan (Star Wars and anteaters).

  4. The photo was taken in the back yard. Concrete, not carpet. ;-)

  5. Ha! Wow. It totally looked like threads of gray carpet. Concrete all make sense. ;)

  6. Oranges! I'd love some if you have any to spare!

    I totally knew it was concrete. ;-)

  7. Oh my gosh do we EVER have some to spare! I just kind of casually filled these three bags yesterday. Doesn't even look like I TOUCHED the tree.
