Monday, May 7, 2012

Did you know?

If everyone went vegetarian for just one day, the U.S. would save:

  • 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply all the homes in New England for almost 4 months;
  • 1.5 billion pounds of crops otherwise fed to livestock, enough to feed the state of New Mexico for more than a year;
  • 70 million gallons of gas -- enough to fuel all the cars of Canada and Mexico combined with plenty to spare;
  • 3 million acres of land, an area more than twice the size of Delaware;
  • 33 tons of antibiotics.*

Amazing, isn't it? Together, we have so much power; we need only make the decision to use it. So try going meatless on this Monday and, instead of feeling deprived, allow yourself to feel empowered. You can (and do!) make a difference!

Eat your veggies! :)

*Statistics taken from Kathy Freston's The Daily Lean, which you can subscribe to here.

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