Monday, February 13, 2012

Made With Love by Grampa Sam

My parents watched the kids recently so Stephen and I could get out for a bit and, during their visit, my dad shot some video which he later pieced together into the movie that follows. I realize that, at ten minutes long, it may not be as entertaining for others as it is for me. But watching it makes me endlessly happy, so I felt the need to share. Grandparents are a wonderful thing. I'm so glad my children are able to have such close relationships with theirs...


  1. I thoroughly love all ten minutes of this adorable and sweet video of your kiddos. I love how I see you, Ali, in your parents as they speak to your children, the way they speak, the phrasing, your mom's little giggle. I love the simple bursts of editing every now and then. The simple sounds of children playing....and then the song at the end made me tear up. Lovely, Grampa Sam. Thanks for sharing, Ali!

    1. The song makes me tear up EVERY time I watch this (yes, I've watched it several times). Also, Keri, did you hear Evan's shout out to Mazzy? During the swing "scene" Evan mentions that Mazzy taught him how to climb into a big kid swing all by himself. :)

    2. Ah! Man! So many things I wanted to mention in the comment to you and that was left out. Totally made me smile. :)

    3. And Nori with the drinking faucet... every time she'd go up to drink it'd turn off. Too cute. And then Ev as a funny!

    4. Those were two of my favorite parts too. :) Thanks for all the fun comments, love.

  2. Watching this again, I was so touched by the water fountain 'scene'. Nori comically trying to take a sip, and here come's Gramma, to lift her up. Such a simple loving gesture. And along with the sweet music it just made me miss my grandma and the simple ways she would show me love over and over and over as a kid.

    Ali, this is such a of the best things in the whole world is to watch your children when they don't know you're looking. Kudos to your dad for this wonderful gift.
