Wednesday, February 1, 2012

December & January, Instagram Style

twinkle twinkle

decorating the tree

new led lights create disco xmas

tuckered out

found this scribble in a pile of evan's school work

lunch at johnny rockets

mall carousel #1

mall carousel #2

crazy little munchkins

too cool for cavities

visiting daddy at work #1

visiting daddy at work #2

new bathrobe

book + beer + sunshine + solitude = happy me

rubber face runs in the family

blood drink

train museum

evan/mommy date: lunch at burr's

evan/mommy date: painting pottery

photo by evan

self-portrait by evan

me & my bff

playdate cookie baking

i think it's pretty sexy when he builds stuff

heaven help me, my 5 year old is a hipster

dr. teeth from the electric mayhem

fell asleep on my shoulder at a restaurant

we found you, nori!

photo by evan

mid-day nap at cafe capricho


hard at work #1

hard at work #2

me & my little ray of sunshine

funny face

rosy rosie


elinor #1

painting pictures on the work bench daddy built

kitchen fairy #1

kitchen fairy #2

fuzzy snuggles

sunny, enjoying the sunshine

elinor #2

super evan



  1. These are so great! I loved the carousel ones, and Elinor #2, and all the muppets. And seeing your face, I miss it so much. Everything you do with your kids looks like so MUCH FUN. Lucky little ducks.

    1. Thanks for all the fun comments you've been leaving, Mel. I've missed ya! (Actually, still do.) :)
