Thursday, August 25, 2011

Various Edibles (Project 358: Days 222 - 225)

I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to Purslane, the weed that is slowly but surely taking over my backyard. Thus far, I have not put up a fight, for three main reasons:
  1. It's kinda' pretty.
  2. I find weeding to be a remarkably unrewarding task: it's never ending! And,
  3. Turns out, it's edible! And, apparently, quite nutritious.
Although considered an invasive weed in most parts of North America, Purslane is eaten as a leafy green throughout much of Europe, the middle east, Asia, and Mexico. It can be eaten raw, stir-fried, sauteed, or added to soups and stews. I plan on trying it sometime this week, after two whole summers of telling myself I should. If we like it, I think I'll try cultivating some in a pot. It is a succulent, and a hearty one at that. It should handle the move well, I think. Then I will feel better about allowing my husband to attempt to eliminate the "weed" from the rest of our yard. I can tell that it's starting to stress him out. (And he calls me OCD. Ha!)

Day 222: Edible Weed

And now, what we lovingly call Breakfast Face, a morning favorite these days among the children of the house:

Day 223: Edible Face

Day 224: Fail. No photo. (D'oh!)

And finally, all this junk food (below) can only mean one thing...

Day 225: Edible Junk

CAMPING!!! Details in a future post.


  1. That is quite impressive that you learned so much about a weed growing in your backyard. You are quite the researcher. I admire that about you, girl.

    Breakfast face made me smile. You're such a fun mama.

    Also: Can I come camping with you!? So many fun treats! (I like teh glow of the lamp in the background.)

  2. Ditto to Keri's first are definitely dedicated to finding the truth!

    Yay Camping! Your junk food looks delicious. Reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom would get those packs of mini sugar cereals that we weren't normally allowed to eat. Good times!

    Looking forward to the post.
