Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Project 358: Days 147 & 148

Tomorrow, my son will graduate from preschool. This picture of him? In the cap and gown? His face exploding with genuine happiness for a photographer he doesn't even know? It kinda' makes my heart leap right out of my chest.

Love that boy. More than I could ever express with mere words.

Day 147: Tiny Graduate

And now, some produce:

Day 148: Our Neighbor's Cherries


  1. He's a doll, that boy. My Mazzy is so very lucky to have him as a friend and as a classmate this year. Tides are changing and I'm a bit sad my time with your little Ev will be less these coming years but I'm excited to see where school takes him, what his favorite classes are and who he befriends. It's been a joy watching him and playing with him in preschool.

    To our Ev,
    Happy Graduation Day, little man.
    Love, Keri (Mazzy's mom)

  2. Also: Love your new Masthead photo...."easily distracted by clouds." Lovely.

  3. His smile is just pure joy! Congrats to Evan. It's exciting to think of how he has his whole life ahead of him and where it might lead. May that bright smile never fade for very long, Ev.

    Keri, I loved your comment. It read like a yearbook message.

  4. What a great photo of Evan! I loved his name written in cheery rainbow colors. Oh, this time must be so exciting for all of you!

    Hopefully the neighbor's branches are hanging over on your side. Nothin' better than a cherry tree!

  5. Ladies, your comments brought tears to my eyes. <3 I'm such a mix of emotions these days: excited for what the future holds, but a little melancholy about the closing of this chapter...Ahh...C'est la vie, non?

    Yes, the neighbor's branches DO hang over into our yard. We have been reaping the benefits, oh yes we have! :)
