Sunday, May 22, 2011

Small Pleasures (Project 358: Day 134)

Day 134: Small Pleasures

The kids and I had a busy day yesterday, starting off with a stop at Aunt Maggie's yard sale, followed by a picnic in Land Park (the menu: peanut butter and apple jam sandwiches on whole wheat, tamari almonds, strawberries, and mandarin oranges), and some quality time at the playground. We finished the day off with some fro yo and a quick jaunt to Target. The following are some pics from our day...


  1. These photos were a feast for the eyes: the way you caught the intensity and vibrant color of your kids' eyes; the imperfect, yet beautiful daisy; the lushness that is William Land Park. Great job capturing the day, BA!

    I had to think of what "fro yo" was...we capped our Saturday off with some too! Yum.

  2. Fun! Thanks for keeping updated with our adorable grandchildren! Miss you guys! <3<3<3

  3. Love days like this. Great shots of your cutie pies. It was good to see you today...wish we had more time to talk. Miss ya mama.

  4. What a full and wonderful day! I love your little blond blue eyed darlings. They're both getting to be such big kids. That day of yours looks like absolute heaven.
