Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Knowing You

They say the older you get,
the faster time flies,

and that the years with young children
will flash by
in an instant.

And yet it seems,
dear children,
that time has slowed considerably
since you came into my life.

Each moment (so precious)
deserves my full attention.
And my days, once so scheduled
and routine and filled with longing
for the 5 o'clock hour,

are now loose and free-flowing,
with long stretches of time spent
dancing in pajamas
or hunting for insects
or snuggling you in silence.

In retrospect, it's true,
the years have gone quickly
and I marvel at the size
of your once-tiny feet.

But the moments are
what matter
and the moments seem to...

Thank you for sharing your eyes and your ears,
your untarnished perspective,
your sense of wonder,
your joy.

Knowing you
has allowed me
to breathe deeper

and has taken presence,
appreciation for the now,
beyond intellectual concept
to the level of daily practice.

For that, I thank you,
more than you will ever know.


  1. What a gift these writings are for your kids to have and hold onto.

  2. Well put, Ali. I am so happy that you have chosen to devote this time in your life to living each moment with your children. Having done it myself (for a little while at least), I know you will never regret it, and you will cherish these times and memories forever.

    During my years as a daycare provider, it never ceased to amaze me that so many people were not as lucky as I was. Just the thought of only being with my babies before and after dropping them off at daycare each day, broke my heart. Thank goodness I never had to do that!

    Yes, beautifully put, my beloved daughter!
