My recent month-long hiatus from blogging, while certainly well-needed, resulted in me getting a wee bit behind in my posts. Because of this, I will be traveling back in time now and then, starting right now, with a photographic journal of this past summer's Silack Family Camping Trip.
Halfway to the campground, our truck overheated, forcing us to pull over and call a tow truck. Not exactly how we planned on starting our trip... |
There wasn't enough room in the tow truck for all of us. So Stephen and Nori left while Evan and I waited for my mom to come pick us up (Thanks, Mom!). Since we were at Denny's, Evan scored a plate of fries and a vanilla milkshake. |
We weren't about to let a little car trouble ruin our trip. Once we were all home, we repacked all our gear into the Volvo and hit the road for the second time. The kids were such troupers throughout the entire ordeal. Look at 'em, still smiling! :) |
Finally made it to the campground (Giant Gap Family Campground in the Sugar Pine Recreation Area, Tahoe National Forest) a little after 7 pm. There was just enough daylight left to set up our tent and make dinner. |
Chillin' by the fire our first night. This was Elinor's very first camping trip (Evan had been three times before his sister was born). |
Our first morning at camp. |
Elinor helping Daddy start the morning fire. |
Playing with fire. (Photo by SS) |
What's for breakfast? Pancakes and veggie bacon, yum! |
Photo by SS |
Even when camping, I can't escape my dish washing duties. Lame. (Photo by SS) |
Our campsite, overlooking the reservoir. Beauteous, no? |
Taking a walk about the campground. |
Elinor found a tree chair! |
I had to take a pic of this sign because it is so weird. I mean, honestly, what child looks like that? |
We made sure to pack some pens and paper for Evan. He couldn't possibly go without for more than a day, little artist that he is. |
Look how dirty she is! There was not a lot of ground cover in the way of leaves and twigs and the dirt was extremely fine and dusty. The kids were basically coated in the stuff for the entire trip. And don't even bother changing Elinor's clothes. If you do, you can pretty much guarantee she'll fall face first into the dirt within five minutes. And then roll around in it a bit while whining, just for good measure. |
In her own little world. |
These weird, thick web-nest thingies were all over the campground. At first, I thought they were made by some sort of creepy spider, but upon closer inspection... |
...I discovered they were filled with tiny caterpillars! (My mom later informed me that they are called tent caterpillars. Guess that explains why they're at a campground! Har har.) |
Heading to the reservoir for a swim. Evan insisted on riding in the trunk. Don't call CPS! We're really good parents, I swear! |
Warming herself in the sun. |
The water here was shallow enough that even the kids could walk through it to the island (although, Elinor preferred to be held, since walking resulted in her being neck-deep). |
Evan exploring the waters on his own. |
Photo by SS |
Photo by SS |
Photo by SS - I LOVE this one! |
Elinor wanted in on the trunk action for the drive back to camp. (Photo by SS) |
Photo by SS |
Naptime |
Stephen built a little zoo for the kids' animal figures using sticks, twigs, and grass. |
Firestarters. |
Photo by SS |
Photo by SS |
Posing with our s'mores. |
Photo by SS |
Left to their own devices, my children would start a forest fire. (Photo by SS) |
Photo by SS |
Photo by SS |
Just waking up, our last morning at camp. |
I seriously want to crawl into this picture. Love that boy, my little snuggle buggle. |
Good morning, Nori! |
Taking one last stroll around the reservoir. |
Before heading home, we made sure to leave our mark. |
Camping with young children is hard, dirty, tiring work. It also happens to be
absolutely delightful. I can hardly wait to go again next year!