I've decided to take part in Flickr's
Project 365, after reading about it in one of my favorite blogs,
All & Sundry. The basic concept is to take a photo a day for the entire year. Even though I take a lot of photos (mostly of my kids), I certainly do not take photos every day. In fact, there are times when a week will pass and I haven't so much as glanced at my camera. To take a photo every day, though it sounds like a simple task, will definitely be a challenge, and I hope that I will be able to keep up with it. I will be posting my photos on this blog, hopefully daily (but probably not) and I will try to write a little something about each photo. Will these be interesting blog entries? I'm guessing no. But I hope that it helps to get me into the habit of writing more often.
When I read about the project, we were already eight days into the new year so, in my case, the challenge would be more aptly named Project 358. Some photos will be taken with my fancy new DSLR (the Canon Rebel XS) but many will be taken with a "point and shoot" camera, my trusty old Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS because, quite frankly, the DSLR is kind of a pain in the ass to lug around everywhere. So now, without further ado, my first 7 photos:
Day 1: Delicate Situation |
After a long, fun day with lots of playing and no napping, Elinor fell asleep sitting up on the couch while I was making dinner. Fully clothed, with an empty stomach, at 4 p.m.
What is a parent to do in a situation like this? Take a picture, that's what. Because, god
damn that's cute, and it will help to look at something so cute when she wakes up at 3:30 in the morning just rarin' to go and you just want to die.
Day 2: Dinner. Alone. |
Typical dinner while Stephen is at work: Boca Burger (Original Vegan), topped with ketchup, mustard, pickles, and spinach. Occasionally, I'll add avocado, but sometimes I'm too damn lazy to slice it (pathetic, really). Honestly, it's hard to motivate myself to make anything more complicated than this when I'm eating alone. At least it's not a bowl of cereal (okay, sometimes it is).
Day 3: The Clover is Taking Over |
My poor, neglected vegetable garden (in the background). Next time, I will go beyond summer veggies and plant into the fall and winter as well, I promise.
Day 4: Coolest Kid in Class |
Oh, it was so much fun to watch Stephen teach Evan's preschool class all about fire safety. Evan was beaming the entire time, so proud that his dad is a firefighter, a profession of near celebrity status in the eyes of a 4-year-old. And Stephen couldn't stop talking about the experience for days...sorta' renewed his love of the job...until he had to go back to work on the medic, that is.
Day 5: Lap Warmer |
My beautiful Pazzo Bellina. My affection for her may never again be what it was before I had children, but it's getting there, little by little.
Day 6: "It's 10 p.m. and I haven't taken a photo yet!" |
Gosh, we really need to do something about the walls in that bathroom. Yuck.
Day 7: The Walk To School |
When I saw a post from Alison, Planet X on my blog reader, I was so excited! This sounds like a fun project, and I'm looking forward to more posts and pictures! Love this last photo especially...and the big tree.
ReplyDeleteThis may just be the thing that makes my life complete for the next 340something days.:) I saw this on Sundry and thought, momentarily, about participating. I'm going to enjoy this...especially when food shots make it in. ;) Fun!!
ReplyDeleteYou should do it, Keri!
ReplyDeleteway to go ali, it's a wonderful new year's resolution. the green grass and leaves on a tree...is planet x in the tropics or something?
ReplyDeletebtw, i've tried putting pictures in my blog, but they all just end up at the beginning of the post. have you any easy suggestions for somebody so 'last century' as me?
Before adding the photo, place the cursor where you want the photo to go, whether that's at the beginning, the end, or somewhere in the middle of your text. After uploading, you can click on the photo to access editing options, such as adding a caption or changing the size of the photo. Hope that helps!