Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FALLing In Love With My Camera, Again.

EVERY time I pick up my DSLR to take pics, I think to myself, "Why don't I do this more often?" I fell out of the habit shortly after acquiring my iPhone last year and subsequently becoming slightly addicted to Instagram. It's such instant gratification (hence the name, I suppose): you can snap, edit, and share a photo instantly, with one device. It's fun, and often inspiring. But, man, the results simply do not compare to those taken with a decent DSLR. In terms of clarity and depth of field, an iPhone just can't even come close. Lately, I've felt inspired to pick up my camera (the one not attached to my phone) more and more. Late afternoon light in the Fall is perhaps the most beautiful light ever, especially for taking photographs. That, combined with fire-colored trees and our recent, unseasonably warm weather have got me outside with the kids, camera in hand, on a regular basis these days. Here are a few (okay, many) of the pics I've taken recently...

An Afternoon at the Park

A Break in the Rain

Time to Rake the Leaves

Thanksgiving, Part One
(Maggie & Jayme's House, Sacramento)

Thanksgiving, Part Two
(Jes & Michael's House, Petaluma)