Thursday, August 2, 2012

June & July, Instagram Style

Five minutes later, she barfed.

Obviously, I didn't take this photo of the hubby hard at work. I just had to share. :)

Grama Kay's Hair Salon

I could fill a whole photo album with pics of Elinor's awkward napping poses.

top-knots & teeth

Check out the ladybug about to take flight off her finger!

perfect little profile

"How'd you get in here, little guy?"

Sunny, napping in the sunshine.

cosmo #1

cosmo #2

cosmo #3

backyard body painting

aaaahhhh... (Bodega Bay)

A gift from the gods! (Bodega Bay)

Dinner. (Sebastopol)

Quick lunch with the hubby before hiking in Armstrong Redwoods (Guerneville)

Dinner date at Forchetta Bastoni (Sebastopol)

Time for somethin' sweet! (Sebastopol)

Nori was being unusually quiet, so I decided to check on her. I found her in the playhouse with her tool box, carefully unscrewing and removing the boards!

Nature Photographer (Effie Yeaw Nature Center)

Adventuring (Effie Yeaw Nature Center)

Evan, helping his sister feel better after she was stung by a bee by the river. (Effie Yeaw Nature Center)

I want one. (Effie Yeaw Nature Center)

bittersweet (arugula & blueberries)

Dinner For One (homemade pesto made from homegrown basil, feta, sundried tomatoes, arugula)

breakfast of champions?



Playdate with Evan's kindergarten classmate, Jordan.

snack time! (popcorn & apple slices)


Birthday face paint courtesy of Evan.

Face paint and facial expression direction by Evan.

Beautiful Birthday Bouquet (thanks, Maggie!)

things that go boom.

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day!

peace, man.

Another one for the album.

new ink.


I'm so excited to start reading up on a new hobby! I intend to start beekeeping early next Spring.

Evan and I stopped for a sweet treat while grocery shopping.

the cutest little honey pot (a birthday gift from my mother-in-law)

Anxiously awaiting a taste of the sweet nectar.

A morning for exploring. (Effie Yeaw Nature Center)

Enjoying nature with my favorite little people. (Effie Yeaw Nature Center)


Stephen had a few too many IPAs at the bachelor party last night.

magic garden, insert fairies and such.

Canteloupe! I counted seven of these big guys on the vine!

Date Night at the Fair