Friday, April 1, 2011

Mustache March (Project 358: Day 83)

Day 83: Mustache March

Some guys in the fire department celebrate "Mustache March" every year by growing out a mustache (the only facial hair allowed in the department) for the entire month of March. This is what Stephen's looked like yesterday, the final day of the month.

It actually doesn't look that bad on him, but I can't say I'll be sad when it's gone, which he swears will happen after this next medic rotation. I'm not so sure I believe him. He's got several guys in the department, and his son, telling him it suits him well and he should keep it. 

Hm. What do you guys think?


  1. I think it does suit part of his personality, for sure. When I dropped Evan off after preschool yesterday I drove up to your house only to see a mustached, shirtless man next to his manly truck - his little daughter could be seen playing in the passenger seat. The mustache definitely fit the scene. :)

  2. Jes - agreed. Especially after the visual that Keri provided in the description above. :-/

  3. Hey, bad vibes intended with the description, I promise you. It actually reminded me of when I was little with my own mustached dad. Him working on his truck, KZAP on the radio, shirtless and in cut-offs. I think if Stephen can rock it then why not every once in a while. He can pull it off, now Josh? I'm not so sure. :)

  4. Oh, I know, Keri. :) I was just kidding because when I pictured what you described, I thought, now that is just not attractive. Meaning, that's not the sort of "man vibe" I go for. But you're right, he does pull it off...for one month a year. ;-)

  5. I think the mustache does suit his face, but I'm not quite sure it suits the year 2011. :-)

    Although, he was never a conformist so rock out with your 'stache out Steve!

  6. :-) You made me giggle, Erin.

  7. I might be a little late on this one, but I say keep it. He reminds me of Russel from Stillwater on Almost Famous. :)

    Also, Keri. KZAP. Oh my goodness, I haven't heard that since at least 1987.

  8. Okay, both Erin and Mel made me giggle. :)
